Home> Why start-ups should not worry about getting the logo design right first time

Why start-ups should not worry about getting the logo design right first time

June 12th, 2015

Every single one of the most successful brands in the world has a memorable logo – think of big names like McDonalds, Burger King, Coca Cola, and Apple just for starters.

Your company’s logo is the face of your business, the visual “hook” that helps customers to recognise you, recall what you do, and separate you from your competitors.



The aforementioned companies – all of which are global, multibillion dollar enterprises – have the luxury of an almost unlimited budget when it comes to logo design, branding and marketing, but what about the little guy? How does the self-employed entrepreneur, the start-up business with barely a penny to rub together, get a great logo?

Of course, I’d highly recommend LogoBee’s services, but there are many options that should each be considered on their own merits. You could design a logo yourself, call in a freebie favor from a friend, choose a freelance graphic designer from any number of online portals, or go with an established branding agency.

Whichever design route you choose to go down, there’s one important thing to remember that could save you a lot of stress in the beginning: your relationship with your graphic designer is not and should not be a one-time deal. There are very few big-name brands that have exactly the same design now compared to when they first started.

Just as your company will evolve, change and hopefully grow over time, so too will your logo, so make sure to choose a logo designer who is going to be around in the next few years, who sees potential in your brand, and who has plenty of creative ideas to help your brand grow.


About the Author:

Although her primary niche is in scientific writing and editing, freelance writer Lisa Martin is also a creative type with an eye for design. She regularly works alongside graphic designers and as such has a keen interest in the development of logos and branding.

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Oh my God!! This is exceptional article you have briefly telling us that how much logo is mean for an Company. Ive learned on this article so many things. I wish there is option to rates surely I would give this article 5 Star.Thanks for sharing.

by Custom Logo DesignJuly 09, 2015

The reality is - logo design prices has dropped within 5-10 years drastically. You can still find a handful of companies charging thousands for a logo and force you to take one of the options even if you are not in love with it. The technology has evolved , something that was done by hand 20 years ago is being done in seconds in a digital form. Apply colors, and effects has never been easier. This is not to take away from the designer a person who has a vision of what to create. A good logo designer is not just creative , he is smart. I can not imagine a time when a machine can be creative and smart at the same time. A good abstract logo is not just a combination of random objects it has a meaning and convey a feeling of the company. I do not agree with one point in the post. You start your business with the best possible set up , like you would prepare for an Olympic race. Spend money on a good equipment and your chances of winning increase. Same with a logo. This is your vehicle to get started. So logo prices are not sky high. You can get a really good professional logo design for only couple of hundreds. I think this is no brainer.

by PavelJune 12, 2015